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Years 1&2

Welcome to Year 1 & 2


Our class teachers are Mrs Hewson and Miss Huck.

Our Teaching assistant is Miss Gibson.



Clay fruit painting and banana bread making!!

We enjoyed our teddy bears picnic at the park today.

We designed, made and ate pizza when we were looking at Italian foods!!

We had so much fun making playdough and then writing the instructions to make it.

We made fruit kebabs and then wrote instructions on how to make them in literacy!

Today we enjoyed going into the village to look at trees.We will identify them in our Science lessons.As we were so well behaved we even had a treat,a stop at the park on the way back!

Year 2 enjoyed their first swimming lesson today! They impressed us with their fantastic swimming!!

Superzings show and tell time!

In literacy we are looking at non-fiction. We were being detectives and finding the features of non-fiction books!!

In Geography we are looking at Kenya. We had fun learning facts about Kenya and locating it on a map/globe!!!

Our topic this half term is Amazing Africa!! 

We did some brilliant work in PE today.

Still image for this video

We really enjoyed our PE lesson today.We were practising travelling along the bench and our lovely forward rolls.

We loved dressing up for our late world book day/non uniform day.We had some beautiful princesses,lots of superheroes and even a football team of our own in year 1/2!

We have been enjoying our Stone Age week.We did an experiment to find out how we could keep our Stone Age men warm and insulated at night.

The Stone Age!!

We are having great fun this week finding out all about cavemen and the Stone Age. We found some items that were left in our hall and we think they belong to a caveman? How did he get here? Will he come back? 

Our topic this half term is Famous People!

Making our treasure maps!!

Today Sarah from 'Pyjama Drama' came in to talk to us about road safety!

This afternoon we have been making symbols for our own 'Pirate treasure maps'!!

7 Continents and 5 Oceans!!!

We have been reading the book 'Pirates love underpants' in literacy. We have been doing lots of drama and getting into the role of the pirates. We have designed our own underpants for a classroom display!!

We had lots of fun in science this week, feeling and describing materials and then printing with natural and man made objects.

This half term our topic is about pirates!!

We are so proud of our children today. They performed their socks off in the Christmas play, well done Year 1 and 2!!

Deep concentration while we were sewing this afternoon!

During Art we looked at the famous artist Paul Klee. We looked at his 'Castle and Sun' picture and created our own!

In literacy we have been learning about instruction writing and recipes. We enjoyed making gingerbread men this week.

We made Apple Crumble and then we ate it. It was yummy!!!

Shape fun in maths!!

We enjoyed learning about the bones in our body in science today. We learned the Funnybones skeleton song, made split pin skeletons and sang lots of body parts songs outside in the sunshine.

Today in literacy the year 1s have been doing some finger gym activities.We had lots of fun!

School staff display board

Fun and games in PE today!!

22.9.2017 We enjoyed our visit from Simone from the NSPCC today. We were learning about how to stay safe.

Today we have been locating our school using google maps. We were finding out what is around and about our school!

We have been enjoying our new role play area.

Today in Science we were talking about parts of the body, we all enjoyed labelling Liam and then the year 1's made a class picture and Year 2 children completed a labelling activity in their books.
