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Year 1&2

Welcome to Year 1/2- our class teachers are Mrs Hewson & Miss Huck. Our teaching assistants are Miss Gibson and Mrs Robson.

What a wonderful treat for our last day, a visit from the ice cream van!

The year 2 children began a unit of maths all about fractions today and had fun decorating halves of biscuits.

Today year 1 started looking at capacity and we made capacity puddles on the playground.

Today we enjoyed making shortbread and practised our weighing skills.

Year 2 children had fun today making their spellings into word art.

Some lovely pictures showing how well we all listened, in our Zoom listening activity.

Felix was very proud to receive his Star of the Week certificate today. Well done Felix!

Lovely to see some more great work from home schooling.

It's amazing to see some fantastic work being done at home.

Some lovely skills to learn at home!

Please find attached our home learning letters, with details of websites and work for the next two weeks. Please make sure you have the correct letter as we have one for year 1 and one for year 2 children. Thankyou.

We have had great fun today at our Christmas party.

More Christmas singing

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have a lovely Christmas.

Our Christmas songs

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We hope you enjoy our songs, happy Christmas.

We are having a great time in our Christmas jumpers today and raising money for save the children.

In science we enjoyed making mammals,reptiles,birds, amphibians and insects out of play dough.

In Art we made clay medals and then painted them. We also made silhouette soldier pictures. They look fantastic on display!

We talked about the British legion and what they do. We made poppy wreaths and talked about remembrance day!

We enjoyed looking closely at autumn leaves today and trying to copy their beautiful colours.

Describing Mr and Mrs Twit

We have been using dictionaries to find out lots of new vocabulary

We have been learning about the artist LS Lowry in our art lessons
