Welcome to our year 1 and 2 class page
We are excited to share our news, photographs and stories with you on this page. Our class teachers are Mrs Hewson and Miss Huck, and we have two lovely teaching assistants in our class, Miss Gibson and Mrs Danby.
Key Stage 1 useful websites
Please find below a list of websites with age appropriate learning activities and games, many of which the children are familiar with and use in school. These can be used for home learning.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk – username sonia1977 password louise (use phase five or six games please)
www.starfall.com – useful for games
www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize - has fun games linked to science and clips, we like galaxy pug.
www.topmarks.co.uk – has links to a range of educational games, you can select age range and topic.
www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home -e books and a range of activities including maths, literacy and phonic games.
www.gonoodle.co.uk – physical dances etc that we use in school
www.jumpstartjonny.co.uk/home - another set of physical activities
Having a VE party or want to do more work on VE day this week to mark the special occasion?
Twinkl have lots of resources including bunting to colour in, wartime recipe booklets, wordsearches, banners, information powerpoints. To see them and download try this weblink - https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t2-h-4813-ve-day-resource-pack , The BBC bitesize website also has lots of information and videos, please check which you think are suitable for your child first as it is mainly aimed at key stage 2 (7 - 11 year olds).
Our topic this half term is all about pirates. We have loved learning about pirate life. We have looked at map coordinates, famous pirates from the past, pirate jobs, pirate ships and flags. Latterly we have compared the Caribbean island to the UK!