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Nursery & Reception

Welcome to Nursery and Reception

We are the Early Years unit that provides the foundations of all learning throughout school. My name is Mrs Ryan and I am the Class Teacher. I work closely with my Senior Teaching Assistant Miss Taylor who also supports the nursery children. New to the class this year are Mrs Harding and Mrs Thornton, who are also Senior Teaching Assistants, and provide additional support in the class. 

We hope to provide you with information about what we are currently learning, as well as the special events that we partake in. 

As part of our topic 'People Who Help Us', we have had some parents come in to tell us about their jobs. In literacy, the Reception children wrote letters asking some parents to visit. This was really exciting when we got some replies and they came into class.

Our reception trip to The Gincase Farm Park. A fabulous day of feeding the lambs and grooming the pony. Also lots of equipment to play on, on a beautiful sunny day. Perfection!

Our lovely mud kitchen! Thank you to Daniel’s Daddy, David Marrs, for making such a good job of it. We are so grateful.

Young artists at work creating spring daffodils. Excellent observational painting.

A belated ‘World Book Day’ dress up due to our snowy weather!

Our writing focus week included finding out about our dinosaur artefacts that were found in school. We used ‘The Good Dinosaur’ text as tool to inspire our writing.

First we watched the dinosaur egg hatch.

We went on a dinosaur hunt and counted our steps, whilst looking at the different skeletons.

We made fossil dough and used it to make our own fossil imprints.

We completed a dig to find evidence of a dinosaur.

We measured some dinosaur foot prints using our feet and metre sticks. Unfortunately, the chalk started to fade.

We weighed the dinosaurs to find the heaviest.

We made herbivore dinosaur poo with leaves, seeds and sticks.

Finally, we made masks and completed our piece of writing about...A day in the life of Arlo from the text we used. We compared facts and fiction following our findings.

Maths and science in the snow! We made big, medium and small spheres for snowmen by rolling them. The children observed how the snow stuck together and how it melted if we held it too long. We talked about the patterns we created as the grass began to show through such as, lines, curves zigzags. The children said we had built more than 4 snowmen and that they had great fun!

For our topic about animals and birds we had a visit from a vet. We enjoyed activities that included bandaging, sorting and checking if a cow was pregnant, instead we found chocolate buttons which we had for snack!

We had a visit from the lovely ‘PrincessTiara’ the hamster, who belongs to a member of our class. We found out many facts about a hamster and how to look after them. Her owner was very knowledgeable and spoke confidently. A worthwhile visit which was enjoyed by all.

As part of our ‘All about Me’ topic, we skyped the reception children in an international school in Majorca. We shared our ‘all about me’ bags that we had made with them. We also talked about things that we like to eat and do. A German boy counted to 20 for us in German. We hope to do this again throughout the year and share our learning with them.

This half term we have really enjoyed the harvest celebrations. We have brought in conkers from home that we have found on our walks as well as beautiful autumn leaves. This has led to various areas of learning. We talked about the type of trees conkers come from and harvested the apples from our very own apple tree. In maths we have used the conkers and apples for counting and have sequenced the journey of an apple from the tree to apple crumble! In the harvest festival celebrations, in the church, we sang our conker song which was fabulous.

Another celebration in our class was Diwali. One of our reception children shared how he celebrated this festival with his family. As a class, we enjoyed learning about the story of Rama and Sita, making rangoli patterns, colouring Diva lamps and decorating Lotus flowers. We also lit candles as part of the celebration.
