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Year 3&4

Welcome to year 3 and 4. Our class teacher is Miss Huck and our teaching assistants are Mrs Graham and Mrs Brownrigg.

We really enjoyed taking flowers apart this week to find their stamen, stigma and anthers.

In PE this half term we are working on our general fitness, looking at three core areas- strength, agility and balance. On Friday we started our exercises to improve our skills in these areas.

In English we enjoyed getting to know our monster personas! Some were lovely, some were grumpy and others were very unfriendly!

In English today we made new words using prefixes and root words, and then came up with definitions for them - it was great fun playing with words!

We worked very hard making our canopic jars.

We had a great Christmas party!

We have had a fantastic trip out today to the Hancock museum, Newcastle, to see their Egyptian gallery.

Another mini drama session today, acting out our new model text, the cobbler of Krakow and the dragon.

In maths the year 3 children used Cuisenaire to reinforce our number bonds and make bar models.

We had fun today in English, creating background stories for a very colourful staff.

Conscience Alley


We have been looking at the story of Moses and his role as a leader in our RE lessons. We discussed reasons for him to lead the Israelites to freedom and reasons why he shouldn't and enjoyed the drama activity of 'conscience alley' to share our thoughts. 

Tuesday 19th September 2023. A great English lesson today creating freeze frames showing different parts of the Jack and the Beanstalk story.

Tuesday 19th September 2023. Today we enjoyed making cave pictures by drawing in our caves (under our tables).

We have been really enjoying exploring the properties of rocks in our science lessons.
