Welcome to Year 2!
Our teacher is Mrs Hewson.
Miss Gibson is our teaching assistant.
For our final half term our topic is 'We're going on a summer holiday'!!
Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday. This half term our topic is Superheroes!!
We will be learning all about different types of heroes and heroines.
We recently celebrated World Book Day in the school and we all came in dressed as our favourite book character.
Our topic this half term is Funky Fashion!!
Happy New Year!!
We start the new year off with a topic all about 'Dinosaurs'. In literacy we are looking at poetry, we will look at a variety of poems and how they are performed! We have looked at a humorous poem about Five Crazy Dinosaurs. We recited the poem using our voices to engage our audience. We also used actions, this helped us to remember our poem. Hope you enjoy it!!
Welcome back after the half term. Our topic this half term is Toys and gadgets. We will be writing stories about toys, looking at toys from the past and around the world! We will also be doing lots of art work involving toys!