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Nursery /Reception

Welcome to Nursery and Reception

I am Mrs Ryan the Class Teacher and my Senior Teaching Assistant is currently Miss Taylor whilst Mrs Bainbridge is on maternity leave.

Together we hope to share special events that we are involved in throughout the year and inform you of what the nursery have been doing each week.

A fun morning playing in the playground with our outdoor toys.

An Introductory Trip to Carlisle Castle for our Topic on Homes

World Book Day was great! We came into school dressed up as a favourite character from a story.

At the end of our Winter topic we learned about penguins and made some super masks.

As part of our Winter topic we enjoyed a Frozen day, bringing in our toys from the film and dressing up as the characters in the story. We ate a Frozen ice pops for our snack.

Exciting times at our Christmas party where Santa came to visit us!

Our Christmas nativity plateau at our local church created a beautiful carol service. The children were little stars!

Enjoying 'Children in Need' and supporting the charity by wearing 'spots'.

Our trip to Carlisle Library was great fun! We had a tour and a story about Santa Claus. The children have really enjoyed our topic on traditional tales and the visit ended it nicely.

Nursery news letter - week ending 12th January 2017

Nursery Newsletter w/b 16/1/2017

Nursery Newsletter w/b 23/1/2017

Nursery Newsletter w/b 30.01.2017

Nursery Newsletter w/b 06/02/2017

Nursery Newsletter w/b 13/02/2017

Nursery Newsletter w/b 27/02/2017

Nursery Newsletter w/b 06/03/2017

Nursery News Letter 17/3/17
